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First Post of the Semester!

First Post of the Semester!


Hello everyone! My name is Angel Nelson. I’m about to give you the basic rundown introduction of myself. I’m from Sonoma County and a transfer student from Santa Rosa JC. I actually really miss Sonoma right now and all the foggy mountains. Sorry I know that was random.  I am also majoring in English Education. I would really like to try teaching middle school but high school is also just as good. I wasn’t originally an English major. I spent two years in Business Administration and I can honestly say that it was horrible. I have no idea how people are able to stick with it. If I had stayed Business major it would have taken me another two years to finally be able to transfer. So switching over to English was probably the best. I actually enjoy my classes now and I don’t cringe at the idea of spending an hour with my classmates.

Wegner had some interesting points about the theories. Such as his theories of social structure and social practice. I believe these two go really well together. One sets norms and rules while the other is about reproducing behavior that someone would have in the real world. His ideas of collaboration in communities was an interesting read. I know that I work well alone with some activities and sometimes I need a community. In a community I am forced to give opinions and take some opinions in order to create something that everyone is happy with. It is always easier to work by yourself on a project and it can be hard depending on others to reach that goal. It does create those social norms though within the community and creates a certain behavior that is present in the real world.

One Reply to “First Post of the Semester!”

  1. Yo, Angel! I’m Dalton and I picked your name out of the hat! Coincidentally, I was a business major once upon a time, and I totally agree with you – it sucks! And switching to English was definitely the best decision I’ve made in terms of my education, it’s way cooler. Anyways, I like the points that you bring up from the article – specifically the communities of practice. I agree that communities or social learning may not be the most efficient for all people, and it is important to provide students with the tools and skills in order to empower them to eventually reach independence. However, I think it’s also important to note that communities are almost unavoidable, and I hope eventually that we will embrace the idea that learning’s inherently social.

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