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The Life and Adventures of Trevor Driscoll

The Life and Adventures of Trevor Driscoll

My name is Trevor Driscoll. I am a junior and I come from a small pile of cow dung located 30 minutes south of Sacramento. To the locals, it is known as “Galt.” I came to Chico to play soccer and study humanities. As I discovered that I am not interested in the broad discipline of humanities and my soccer endeavors were not successful, I will be transferring to Fresno State next semester to pursue a linguistics major with a concentration in TESOL. Later on, I will be getting my master’s from an Italian university and teaching English there. This class is a part of my TESOL certificate, but I am hoping to gain experience with teaching theories and a more scientific understanding of how students learn.

To me, this passage said that the way most schools systems work is counter-intuitive to human nature. These teaching methods are, therefore, not conducive to learning subjects that require a high degree of creativity, like writing. This means that we are setting up our students for failure, which is stressful, discouraging, and ultimately detrimental to their overall well-being. This is important because the dysfunctional nature of our school system can cause young people to develop an aversion to formal education. As a result, our population will fail to meet the work force’s ever increasing demand for highly educated employees.

One Reply to “The Life and Adventures of Trevor Driscoll”

  1. That is super awesome that you plan on getting your master’s from an Italian university. Where is this university located exactly? Also pretty cool that you want to teach English in Italy, that is also a goal of mine. I’ve only been to parts of central Italy, all around Tuscany. I want to be able to teach in the parts of Italy that are less targeted towards tourism.

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