Why a good book is a secret door

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Introduction to Bre

Introduction to Bre

Dear Bre,

First off hello, I am Eli as you know we will be book buddies? I don’t know what you want to call it. Anyways here is an overall wrap up on my life. I currently golf, lacrosse, and taking up soccer.I play the piano even though I don’t like it and want to play the drums. I am not really good at putting down what I am on a keyboard I guess you would just have to know me. On a different note the reason I chose Butter, 13 reasons why, and Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie is because I want to expand how I read because I don’t read for “fun” that often. Well this has been a short intro of me I hope to hear from you soon.


Eli Trites

One Reply to “Introduction to Bre”

  1. Hello Eli! Yes, you most deffinately can call us book buddies! I find it pretty talented that you play sports and instruments at the same time. That is really cool! How do you balance such talent? Unfortunately I myself have not picked up an instrument since i was in high school. Just recently I did have to buy a funny looking recorder to practice in my college “teaching music” class. Its pretty funny. On the other hand I absolutely love love love soccer! I played for about a total of 11 years! I was a sweeper. What position do you play? Sadly with graduation coming up soon, I don’t have much time for it.
    Thanks for choosing some really cool books. Just like you, I probably wouldn’t have picked them up because of how many other books I am forced to read for classes, but I must say, some of these books I have to read are actually really awesome. These books look really interesting! Im finally starting to enjoy reading and I instantly picked up “BUTTER” and cant put it down! I read every chance I get and am so anxious to dig into the others! (Don’t worry Im saving the last two chapters so we can read them together.) I looking forward to more blogs! Cant wait to get your input on these books! See ya online soon!

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