Why a good book is a secret door

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Introduction to Cara

Introduction to Cara

hello Cara,

I am Ian (Langford, there is another Ian im my class but im #1) i’m really excited to start this project. I hope you are to! Here are a few things that you might want to know about me and my life. First and most important I LOVE video games, old ones new ones, Fast ones slow ones, etc… Second The reason i’m chose these books is because for starters Ready Player One because Video games. the second book The Maze Runner because I really want to see the movie and i have heard that the whole series is great. The last book I chose is I AM THE  MESSENGER was because I listened the Book Thief on tape and I loved the way the writer explained the book in great detail, but at the same time it was also vague. I hope you like the books I chose and I am looking forward to blog with you!

3 Replies to “Introduction to Cara”

  1. Hello Number 1,
    I am super excited for this project! I will be honest with you, I am not a big video gamer. However, I love to learn new things. Maybe you can teach me more? I will say I have a soft spot for the original Nitendo. That was the console my friends had and I always wanted.
    I just finished The Maze Runner. It is a good book. I usually don’t read dystopian books but this one has made me need to read more. But don’t worry I have so much to discuss with you about it. I am excited to see what the other books are like. Your choices are already broadening my reading style. I find that amazing!
    Talk to you soon Ian.

    1. Hi Cara.
      How did you like the MAZE RUNNER, i already read some but I couldn’t finish it. Glad I get a second chance!
      Also I really love the original Nintendo console too. My favorite game was the Legends Of Zelda series.
      Hope we can blog later about the book READY PLAYER ONE.
      IAN #1

  2. Hello Number 1,
    I am so sorry for getting back to you so late. I am glad you get another chance to read The Maze Runner. It does have a semi slow beginning is a little laborious to read at first. I really liked it. I usually don’t read this genera of books but this one has got me hooked. I need to know how the series ends. So, looks like I will be getting the next book soon. Are you reading the Maze Runner first?
    I am just about finished with My Brother Sam is Dead. (another 3 chapters) then I will be starting Ready Player One. I am anxious to talk to you about it. I have a feeling you will understand it more than me. So, I may be asking you questions because I don’t know the cyber world that well. I hope that is ok? But, I am excited to read it.
    As far as my favorite Nintendo game would be Mario. It is basically the only video game I learned how to play so far.
    I hope you are having an exciting weekend full of adventure and fun.

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