Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Eli Trites

Eli T, Book Comparison (My Favorites)

Eli T, Book Comparison (My Favorites)

Dear Bre,

So as you know I finished all of my books I loved them all but my favorites stood out by alot for various reasons. So as a result I couldn’t really choose between Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie and Butter. The reason 13 reasons why didn’t make the top list was that sometimes it was hard to follow and paint a picture into my head. I loved both of them evenly not because I could relate it was becuase I felt like I was there and I thoroughly enjoyed the out come. I hope you loved these books as much as I did and I can’t wait until I get the sequal for Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie.

Eli T, Drums Girls & Dangerous Pie

Eli T, Drums Girls & Dangerous Pie

Dear  Bre,

I finished my book Drums girls and Dangerous Pie. My first reaction was just a subtle feeling knowing it ended but still wanting a little more because I was left with so many questions about Jeffrey and how Steven is doing in High School, but what I must say is that I was expecting a little more of a tragic ending. Hopefully you have had time to pick up this book because I thought it was amazing and out of the 3 books I have read this one I have connected with this book the most. So apparently there is a sequel to this book and I can not wait to read it and hopefully answers my follow up questions.

Eli T Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

Eli T Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

Hello Book Buddy I have recently started Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie and so far its a little bit of a sad downer book ,but I am fine with that  because hopefully everything will turn out alright. I like how even though the author is porbably a lot older than the main charecter Steven he can still capture/ touch in to that whole 8th grader point of view which would be really hard to do. I am glad I picked up this book and I hope you find the time to soon. Have a good day.

