Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Introduction To Joshua,

Introduction To Joshua,

Hi Joshua!

I’m really excited to have the chance to do this project with you. During this project I’m planning on reading Unwind, Ready Player One, and The Book Thief. I think I am going to start off reading Ready Player One. I chose these books because I thought they would suite me well while still being a fun read. What are some of your favorite books? I just finished I Am The Messenger, and it was great! If you ever have some time to read it you should. Right now some of my hobbies include fishing, lacrosse, basketball, spending time with family and friends, and spending time outside. I am super excited to have the chance to read and connect with lots of other people and readers. 

Until next time, Django Clarke

2 Replies to “Introduction To Joshua,”

  1. Hello Django Clarke, I am happy to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time to say hello. I am eager to work with you as well. I look forward to our discussions. I enjoy reading books thAt take place in dystopian societies as well. I can’t wait to dive into these books.

    1. Hey Joshua! How’s your book going? I am really starting to like Ready Player One more and more! Hope you’re liking it.


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