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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

Multimodality Sucks… When I Try It

Multimodality Sucks… When I Try It

Reader, witness and observe my most humiliating moment. Behold, myself in drag.



Done vomiting? Great. This is me in the year of 2009, where myself and several of my friends were tasked with performing in our own film adaptation of some stupid Shakespeare play. This was the first and last time I ever attempted a career in acting; this was likely for the betterment of every soul on this planet. My point, is that I am neither comfortable with my appearance nor confident in my thespian proclivities enough to portray anything related to classical theater. As Jeremy Clarkson would say, “ambitious, but rubbish”. Thus, I am much more suited to more boring types of multimodality. I took an architectural history course two years ago where I submitted a lengthy analysis of the building philosophy of the World Trade Center complex in Manhattan. I described both the original and new complexes, so I made certain to include many pictures, graphs, and drawings, complete with captions. I did the same with a paper about a cathedral in Germany. My biggest multimodal experience comes from PowerPoint. I have made A LOT of PowerPoint slideshows over the years since middle school. I have included music, videos, memes, graphs, infographics, charts, you name it. My title is misleading. I do not believe all multimodal applications suck, but some of them do suck for me.

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