Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

So….final project….idk…

So….final project….idk…

Okay. The last blog, I can do this. Wow, I already got distracted by watching all of my friends’ snapchats who are at Coachella…lucky them. So, what to do for my multimodal project…

I really would like to do a video of some sort with my GoPro, and maybe do some overlaying text because I don’t like the sound of my voice on camera. I also don’t want to bite off more than I can chew. I always get so excited when it comes to projects, and I want to do a super amazing job, but then I fall short of my expectations. For some reason I keep getting this idea of wanting to somehow turn Legitimate Peripheral Participation into a video of some sort. Like maybe videotaping something that I could speed up to show how it works. I do not know. I keep re-reading my “This is what I know so far” paper hoping that something will jump out at me. I need inspiration. I don’t know how to turn some of these articles into something awesome. Hopefully I can think of something sooner than later…


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