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Reading Together

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Making Sense of LPP

Making Sense of LPP

Trying to make sense of this reading has been quite the struggle for me, but every now and then I do find little nuggets of information that stick out and I am some how able to digest it. Trying to grasp the concept of legitimate peripheral participation has seem to come in waves. There are times I think I understand it, but then I just continue reading and find myself more confused. Hopefully this all makes sense in the end.

I took a passage from literally the first paragraph of the first chapter because I believe that it provides insight into what this concept means. Legitimate peripheral participation (LPP) draws attention to the point that learners inevitably participate in communities of practitioners and that the mastery of knowledge and skill requires newcomers to move toward full participation in the sociocultural practices of a community. So, that’s a freaking mouth full but what I got out of that passage is that learners of a new skill need to be a community/group that helps increase the learners knowledge or practice of a skill in order to feel comfortable with that skill. Literally said skill a ton, but that’s what I understand from the passage.

The passage continues on to the next sentence where it introduces the idea that there is a relationship between newcomers and old-timers. I agree with this practice that someone that is new to a subject should have to interact with people that may be more seasoned. I have danced my entire life and there are times I would take a class with people that were a lot better at a skill than I was, and I would feel incredibly intimidated because I wasn’t at their caliber. But, looking back on it being around the stronger dancers made me grow  because I was constantly surrounded by people that I had a lot more practice so I could learn from them as well.

So that’s all I have for now, but I’m hoping my knowledge increases on LPP and all that it represents! :))

2 Replies to “Making Sense of LPP”

  1. That’s great the you connected the chapter to dance. How would you say the relationship was between you and the more experienced dancers? Were they helpful and treated you as an equal or did they try to “put you in your place”? Or did they mostly just do their own thing and you learned mostly through observation?

  2. It’s interesting to consider the identity of the learner and to think critically about what they need to be learning and how it’s most successfully practiced! I like what you said about community too and I think Chapter 3 went super in depth to this, which is nice since we noticed connections to learners and communities in Chapter 1. It’s especially interesting to me to observe the internship with this in mind!

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