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Reading Together

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LPP & Internship

LPP & Internship

  • Try using LPP to think through your internship space: what is the relationship between the participants? What is the space like? What materials and resources are used? How do the relationships, materials, and space shape the learning environment? What does the mentoring look like in the internship?

Through my internship, I find a lot of ideas that relate to LPP. The participants, usually students coming in for help at the ESL Resource Center, don’t interact with each other but rather interact with the tutors. The help they receive is usually with academic writing. The center is set up in an organized way, each table has all the resources that the participants need. Papers, pens, pencils, help books, grammar books, format book, etc.

The relationships, materials, and space all come together to provide a comfortable learning environment for students who come nervous to the center. As tutors, we’re there to provide assistance and comfort for students.  I don’t see the mentoring/tutoring as difficult, it might be a little challenging to try to figure out how to act towards the students as someone who is in charge but not be an arrogant person in authority but I think if each tutor looks at the material that he/she is working out, they would learn from the students as well.

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