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You Down With LPP? Yea You Know Me- Casey Van Attenhoven

You Down With LPP? Yea You Know Me- Casey Van Attenhoven

Sorry for the title but how could I not?! Also sorry if anyone else did it already I haven’t looked at all the posts yet! So I feel like the first chapter was a bunch of jargon saying that a lot of how we learn is by watching and doing. (Okay Duh monkey see monkey do) but I like to look at it in terms of education. Like Kim has said if you want students to pass English 130 put them in English 130. As an English teacher I can talk all I want about writing and forms, but if I don’t give students examples that click or let them try it out for themselves they won’t learn. One of my favorite lines in the book is “Undoubtedly, the analytical perspective of legitimate peripheral participation could – we hope that it will – inform educational endeavors by shedding a new light on learning processes, and by drawing attention to key aspects of learning experience that may be overlooked.” (41) The LPP is something I have to keep in mind as a teacher. As a student in there sixth year of college ( yea I know it took me a while to get my shit together okay!) I know that there are some teachers that just do the Charlie Brown. Where they teach at me and I’m not listening or learning. And not to shit on lecture because I thing lecture can be great, if it’s active and engaging. I need to make sure my students aren’t just learning for the test or to pass the class like I have done before, I need to make sure they are learning because they enjoy what they’re doing and want to be able to participate in class. I need to be like Leonardo dicarprio in inception and make my students not even realize they’re learning until when I ask them a question or make them take a test that when it comes time for application of what we’ve been doing they do in fact have the knowledge. So that is my rant on LPP that doesn’t fit the prompt even though I asked for one. Sorry if this was short. I wrote a longer one and it got deleted on accident and now I’m tired and annoyed so this is what you get and you’ll like it! Also happy day after Valentine’s Day aka my brother’s birthday!

One Reply to “You Down With LPP? Yea You Know Me- Casey Van Attenhoven”

  1. I really like what you said about teaching students so they don’t know that they’re learning. I find that in my own experiences I learn best when I’m engaged, not even taking notes but actively participating in the conversation. Of course this usually can only happen if the professor is teaching in a way that allows for this. I know that if and when I’m a teacher I’m going to do as you said to try my best to not let my students know that they are learning until it’s too late and they’re all geniuses!

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