Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

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Author: cvanattenhoven

Multimodal project

Multimodal project

One of my favorite things about multimodality is that have control. Students get to chose how the want to present the ideas they have learned. Whether it be an essay, a video, a vlog the students have control over the process, materials, what they make. I thought that multimodality included some form of technology, but it more about the freedom. With the freedom we have on this assignment I have so many ideas I don’t know what to do. I know I want to do a narrative of some sort about the five paragraph essay. I’m not sure if I want to write a fictional narrative from the five paragraph essay’s perspective. I also like the idea of doing a video interview sort of like a VH1 where are they now about the five paragraph essay. I love creative writing and I also like making videos so those two are a possibility. I also like the idea of doing something more creative in a different way. I am thinking of doing something this photography. I like taking and editing pictures for fun and I feel like right now is a critical time for people with essays and big assignments due so I’m thinking of trying to capture a student working on an assignment. I don’t know if that makes sense but I have a lot of ideas and if you my blog partner have any ideas or thoughts on what I’ve presented that’d be awesome!

To vlog or not to vlog?

To vlog or not to vlog?

Technology and I have a love hate relationship. I have done multi media projects and had an amazing time and been very proud, but I have also worked on projects where I just want to rip my hair out and it takes everything inside of me not to break my computer. It seems more and more classes are going to the vlog for responses instead of the blog. I actually had to do one earlier today for an online class. Personally I don’t like the vlog, I have a hard time articulating my thoughts through spoken word and then I have to awkwardly look at myself and listen to my awful voice after, it sucks! I like Shipka’s idea of letting us chose how we want to say things. Sometimes I would prefer to write a quick one page response instead of having to do the video response. I have also experienced making a website for a project and I have had a lot of fun with that, but that’s because wix is a cite that is easy for me to use, but for some people that don’t like computers or website creators why not let them make a poster or draw something. I like the idea of letting students chose, especially in college Shipka’s piece says “Students have a much richer imagination for what might be accomplished in the course than our journals have yet even begun to imagine, let alone to address.” (282) So why not let students use their imagination, I know personally if I’m excited by a project I will work 10x harder because it’s something I care about. In Fosen’s Rhetoric class my group and I decided to go outside the box and actually make a board game to show how we comprehended Rhetoric and we had so much fun working on it that we put a lot more time and energy into it then we would have if we would have only made a video describing how we understood rhetoric. And while teachers will mostly get students who just do the standard like me writing the blog it’s nice to know we have the options!

Literacy and Stuff- Casey V.

Literacy and Stuff- Casey V.

Russell says a lot about writing and literacy in this piece. Some of the points he made and claims he stated tie into what we have already been learning in our class. One thing I really like was “Literacy is not learned in and of itself and then applied to contexts (activity systems)” (8). This applies to what we’ve been talking about in “Situated Learning”. You don’t just take a class on literacy and then boom understand it and everything about it. You don’t even necessarily have to take a class about literacy to learn it and things about it. I took the Literacy class here at Chico and I can tell you I was originally more confused about literacy. Then it just sort of clicked. Like Russell says “Literacy is always and everywhere bound up with the activity systems that is changes through its mediation of behavior – and which change it, for writing is an immensely protean took that activity systems are always and everywhere changing to meet their needs” (8). This goes into the discussion we had in class about writing for teachers. Literacy changes depending on the mode it is being used in. For example my posts on Facebook are different than my posts on instagram just like my writing for this class is different than the writing I’ve done for other teachers. This ties into Russell’s metaphor about balls. I wasn’t taught my different ways of writing through school and there isn’t one way I write all the time. I write text messages to my friends differently than I write emails to my professors. I feel like in school we are taught writing is this one thing you do in school to talk about what you’ve learning but the concept of literacy is so much more than that which is my prefer that term. Another one of my favorite things Russell said was “Adolescents and adults do not ‘learn to write’, period” (7). This again reiterates what we have been talking about in class. How if you want someone to learn how to write then let them write don’t make them learn and do all these things before they can even try it out.

You Down With LPP? Yea You Know Me- Casey Van Attenhoven

You Down With LPP? Yea You Know Me- Casey Van Attenhoven

Sorry for the title but how could I not?! Also sorry if anyone else did it already I haven’t looked at all the posts yet! So I feel like the first chapter was a bunch of jargon saying that a lot of how we learn is by watching and doing. (Okay Duh monkey see monkey do) but I like to look at it in terms of education. Like Kim has said if you want students to pass English 130 put them in English 130. As an English teacher I can talk all I want about writing and forms, but if I don’t give students examples that click or let them try it out for themselves they won’t learn. One of my favorite lines in the book is “Undoubtedly, the analytical perspective of legitimate peripheral participation could – we hope that it will – inform educational endeavors by shedding a new light on learning processes, and by drawing attention to key aspects of learning experience that may be overlooked.” (41) The LPP is something I have to keep in mind as a teacher. As a student in there sixth year of college ( yea I know it took me a while to get my shit together okay!) I know that there are some teachers that just do the Charlie Brown. Where they teach at me and I’m not listening or learning. And not to shit on lecture because I thing lecture can be great, if it’s active and engaging. I need to make sure my students aren’t just learning for the test or to pass the class like I have done before, I need to make sure they are learning because they enjoy what they’re doing and want to be able to participate in class. I need to be like Leonardo dicarprio in inception and make my students not even realize they’re learning until when I ask them a question or make them take a test that when it comes time for application of what we’ve been doing they do in fact have the knowledge. So that is my rant on LPP that doesn’t fit the prompt even though I asked for one. Sorry if this was short. I wrote a longer one and it got deleted on accident and now I’m tired and annoyed so this is what you get and you’ll like it! Also happy day after Valentine’s Day aka my brother’s birthday!

Knowing When to Push or Praise -Casey Van Attenhoven

Knowing When to Push or Praise -Casey Van Attenhoven

Although I wasn’t necessarily sure what the entire purpose of “Inventing the University” was I found what Bartholomae had to say interesting. He sort of eloquently says students need to fake it until they make it in their papers. Try to do different and new things they aren’t familiar with because to Bartholomae its makes the writing better? I don’t believe that to be true. I do think though that for drafts and outlines on papers it could be fun and interesting to try something new and sort of out of the box or for a student to use vocabulary that is new to them.

Now with that being said I think that a lot of this goes into the idea of knowing your students and their work. If you have a student that isn’t a strong writer and struggles to get an essay done then they should be rewarded when they complete a grammatically correct essay that makes sense and is written well. On the other hand if there is a student where writing comes easily then they should be encouraged to try new things and do things differently without risk of penalty.  This reminds of a teacher I had my senior year of high school, she is the main reason I am so comfortable with my writing because she would push me. She would challenge me to try and do new things and as long as it was obvious I tried hard she would grade me more on my attempt than on the outcome. One of the my favorite essay’s came from her pushing me.

I know in the reading Bartholomae is talking about college students and it might be hard to know all of your students and their writing abilities when teaching college, but most of us are going into a teaching career in middle or high school and that is the place where we can make a difference. Bartholomae talks about how college freshmen are unprepared because of what they learned in their previous education so it is up to us as teachers to push them and make them prepared.