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Reading Together

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In the beginning there was fire! Or was it communities of practice? C. Tice

In the beginning there was fire! Or was it communities of practice? C. Tice

Well I suppose it is that time once again for introductions.  HELLO!!!  My name is Cherie, currently an English Ed major, avid netflix user.  I spent most of my break on netflix watching 1960’s television, specifically The Munsters and Star Trek.  I am at Chico State simply because it was the most financially feasible possibility, and i am in this class because it was on a list of classes I needed to take and wanted to take it with Kim.  I suppose if there is anything else you could possible want to know, ask. Now onto the reading!


The reading focused on communities of practice and how everyone has multiple communities that they are involved in and all of them help them in one way or another. There are as many communities of practice as there are social circles we may consider ourselves  part of. I think it is hard to pick out one thing to talk about since I had so much exposure to it last semester.  I really liked how she went in depth as far as what are considered communities of practice, which i talked about just a second ago. The trick is, i think, that we need to remember that all of these places are considered a community of practice. For different things and different areas of life but they all have the same purpose.

One Reply to “In the beginning there was fire! Or was it communities of practice? C. Tice”

  1. Hello! I will be your blog posting “buddy” for this semester. I hope I can provide insight into your readings. Please let me know if you have any questions about the things I write or if they are unclear. I look forward to reviewing your work :)

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