Why a good book is a secret door

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Kory K, The Fault in Our Stars

Kory K, The Fault in Our Stars

Hi Anne, I hope you are enjoying the books that I have chosen for this project. I have just finished The Fault in Our Stars and I think that this book was just alright. John Green is a very good author and I like most of his work, but mostly I am just not a fan of any type of love story. The book wasn’t that great for me because I already knew what happen because some people told me before I even read the book. I would say my favorite part of this book was just getting to know the characters and seeing how cancer affects their lives. My favorite character was Isaac he was always strong inside for all that happened to him. I would be in real pain if my girlfriend just broke up with me because I am blind.

Most people ask did you cry in this book, and I did not I really did not feel a lot of emotion when the person in this book passed away (I don’t want to ruin the book for you if you haven’t rad it.) I really felt no like relationship to this character. This book made me fear cancer a lot and how we should support the people with cancer more. I can’t imagine having cancer and I hope I never get it. I was really sad at parts in this book because one of my church leaders that I was kind of close to passed away while I was ready this book and he was about the same age of Augustus.

I hope you are having a great time reading these books I chose and I hope you reply soon. Thank you!


One Reply to “Kory K, The Fault in Our Stars”

  1. Kory, thanks for your response!

    I hate when people spoil the books for me! It makes it less fun to read the story when you already know what is going to happen. I have already read The Fault in Our Stars so don’t be afraid to spoil anything for me! I am now re-reading it and I love comparing the movie to the book. Did you see the movie? If you did, do you think that they did a good job picking the actress/actors to play the characters?

    My favorite character is Isaac too, he is such a caring person and finds a way to stay strong even though he becomes blind. My favorite chapter in the book is actually when the three of them egg Isaac ex-girlfriends car! I thought it was a comical way to deal with a truly terrible situation.

    I knew that Augustus was going to die when I started the book, just because people had told me what happens. It shows that life is unpredictable. At the beginning of the story you would probably assume that Hazel is going to pass away before Augustus, but you never know what life is going to throw at you.

    I did not cry when I read this book either, but I think it is because I kept putting it down when it would make me tear up lol! I do not cry easily, but I did feel very connected to the characters in this book. In my blog post I talked about how my dad had cancer, and now he is in remission, just like Augustus was. It is always scary to have someone you know with such an unpredictable disease.

    What was your favorite part of the book? Since it didn’t make you cry, which parts made you laugh?

    Thanks for reading with me!

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