Why a good book is a secret door

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Rosalie M, Speak, Mango Shaped Space and Butter

Rosalie M, Speak, Mango Shaped Space and Butter

So since my last post, I’ve finished Speak,A Mango Shaped Space, and have started Butter. I like the ending of Speak.  It is a happy ending, but not in the traditional sense. There are still problems and pain. It’s like real life in a way, and the way the book abruptly ends makes me want a sequel!!! After finishing speak, I read Mango Shaped Space.  Mango Shaped Space is a good book. I had no idea of what synthesia was, let alone existed. I feel the author does an amazing job with imagery for the shapes and colors associated with noises. I like how Mia imagines her cat Mango as a parting gift from her grandfather. Now I’m reading Butter.  I like the story, but it’s a bit morbid. When I read about Butter running out of the cafeteria and binge eating fast food, even I felt sick. I think that so far, all the books I’ve read lately have been super good! I cant wait to hear what you think about them Jeanie!

2 Replies to “Rosalie M, Speak, Mango Shaped Space and Butter”

  1. I am happy to hear you have startedthe other book butter. You are a fast reader i am still just finishing up the book thiefe.

    We have been talki g in class about mango collored space. Tell me more about the boom since you finished the reading. You said you enjoyed the way the author wrote the book and that you were saprized that synthesia exsisted. I personaly couldnt begin to imagine how it must be to have it. But what lls did you learn or find intresting in this book?

    1. I found out synthesisa existed, for one! I also learned more about what it’s like to have a special medical condition.

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