Why a good book is a secret door

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Tessa to Mimi, Fault in Our Stars

Tessa to Mimi, Fault in Our Stars

Responding to your comment because for some reason it wouldn’t let me on our old post :)

Oh such a sad part of the book…. but don’t worry I cried like a baby too. I loved the characters and their personalities as well, it almost drove me to be more like them. Do you ever feel like that with characters? I completely understand where you are coming from with being too busy.. I am not much of a reader exactly because of that reason, but with this project I have been very motivated to find times to read so I can keep up with you and Jake. Times that I find to read are in-between classes, while I’m cooking dinner and something is in the oven, when I need a study break from school, I even sometimes read during my work break now. I think it helps a lot that I have been enjoying the books so much. I do go to church here in Chico, when I am here for the weekend that is, and I absolutely love it!

I did miss last wednesday and I am sorry for that! I watched the video that she showed you guys and the class though and loved it! You guys are all so inspiring to me and I LOVE the set up of your classroom, not gonna lie I kind of expected it to be messy, with all the books and everything, but it was so clean and organized looking. I went home wednesday morning because it was the mark of two years since we found out my mom only had a month to live and my little sister called me really up set and I just felt like I needed to be there for her and I was having a hard time with it as well for some reason. Some days are harder then others, but I know I will be okay and God has a plan for me. :) My mom always used to say “Choose Happy” and this is something I try to hold near and dear to my life at all times… it seems to help. Anyways, I started Paper Towns this past weekend and I really like it. At first it was kind of hard for me to get into, but now I am really enjoying it. I made it to page 69 earlier today and I had a hard time putting it down to go to class. My recommendation to you is don’t judge this book by the first few chapters, keep reading and I think you might get hooked! Can’t wait for you to finish Fault in Our Stars, you are going to love the ending! and then start Paper Towns :) both amazing books I think! I think we will get to meet soon and I can’t wait!

Happy reading Mimi :)


8 Replies to “Tessa to Mimi, Fault in Our Stars”

  1. Just finished Paper Towns! :) It was so much different then I expected, but I really enjoyed it. Can’t wait for you to start reading it! Let me know when you do so we can talk about it!
    Hope to talk to you soon

  2. I totally understand. Family always comes first , and you going to comfort your sister, well that is what sisters need to do sometimes.
    So I guess i kind of messed things up a little. I started reading Make Lemonade instead of Paper Towns, because at the time Mrs.Fairon didn’t have a copy. It’s alright though , I will hopefully start paper towns tomorrow and save Make Lemonade for my last book.
    My thought on The fault in our stars were: That the end leave you feeling many emotions. I felt sad that Gus was gone, but also happy that hazel got his eulogy that he had sent to Peter. It took me while to finish this since I have been so busy lately. Monday I had ballet, Tuesday i had my best friend’s volleyball game , Wednesday and Thursday we all went on a field trip to Ashland Oregon and saw two plays. And on Friday I went to the haunted corn maze in Redding. I can’t wait to get started that way we can discus our thoughts on the book.
    What were your first expectations when you started reading Paper Towns?

  3. I couldn’t agree more with all your feelings at the end of The Fault In Your Stars! I just loved it :) I expected it to be more about a certain town that seemed too paperish to be honest haha turns out to be much different then that. Almost like a mystery. I think you will like it. I started reading Make Lemonade so if you want to keep reading that one I don’t mind :)

  4. I am almost done with Make Lemonade! Sooo much different from what I was expecting, but I really like it. :) So either book you want to talk about is fine, let me know!

  5. So I just started Paper towns this evening. I am really wondering where this is going. Since the prologue makes it seem kind of like a murder mystery but then after that it goes to like the high schoolers. (They are seniors right?) I really like the way John Green starts off a long time ago and tells a little back story, and then jumps right into the story. This book seem to be written very differently than The Fault in our Stars, the one similarity that I found is that in both books he finds a way to paint a picture in your mind , but still not give to much information to where you already know whats going to happen.Can’t wait to get into this book . I can totally see why you said that it might be hard to get interested in , and I’ll keep reading. i have had many people tell me that it’s a wonderful book. I hope it lives up to those expectations! I also have read the first 50 pages of make lemonade, and it seems like it is going to be a very fun book to read. Although the one thing that way kind of funky to me was the way that the book is set up , it kind of threw off my eyes. Did you feel the same ? Can’t wait to chat more and I really hope that at some point I would love to meet you !

    1. Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns are much different, doesn’t even seem like it is the same author to me. Paper Towns is interesting, but I really enjoyed it. Yes they are seniors! Make Lemonade is a completely different style of book. I didn’t like this book as much if I’m being honest.. I just didn’t really see what the point was and at the end of the book I felt like there was so much information left out. I was left looking for answers!
      We will be meeting soon, when you guys come to our class! :) I can’t wait.

  6. I got pretty far into Paper Towns and I think I’m starting to really like it. The book is a little inappropriate , but it’s also really funny. I feel like John Green is an author who always gives you someone to be with , this is what we are working on in class for our memoirs. He also makes it so you feel like you’ve known the characters since they were born. I really like that when authors do that because then it feels like you might be able to predict what they are going to do next.I’m also reading make lemonade , I agree that the book is kind of all over the place. I can’t really tell if i like this book or not . Do u like it?I am hoping to finish both of these books by our Monday deadline. I can’t wait to see where paper Towns is going to go , and I will blog later this week!

  7. I really enjoyed the end of Paper Towns, I don’t think you will be able to guess it though… it was much different then I thought it would be. So keep and open mind and don’t try to guess whats going to happen to much. :) I had the same feelings as you are having with Make Lemonade… even once I finished it I was still asking myself did I like this book? haha but looking back on it I think it was pretty good. It never really gets going anywhere and its over before you know it, but its not a bad book. I just kind of felt like it ended.. nothing was answered and many things left off in weird places. I think you will understand what I am talking about once you read more! Can’t wait to meet you!
    Happy reading!

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