Why a good book is a secret door

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Feed: Daiquiri

Feed: Daiquiri

After reading the book Feed my group talked about technology and how the books message is that technology is running our world. The author uses language that is not sophisticated to show evidence that because of the feed everyone is stupid and doesn’t have to learn. I also think it is the fear of allowing corporations to taken over the school systems, as is done in Feed. In the book everyone gets liaisons and eventually becomes bald. The characters don’t realize that their feeds and the degrading world are the cause. I think this is illustrating their blindness to what is happening to the world around them. In one part of the book the forest is cut down to build an oxygen factory, which is ridiculous because trees produce oxygen. People are becoming so dumb that they are further destroying their planet.

Through their feeds businesses and corporations can target them. Everywhere they go they are targeted for the new thing they should buy. Their feed creates a profile of what they want. This is already beginning to happen today just not so extreme. If I buy something on Amazon then I get emails based on what I bought of other things I might like.

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