Videos to inspire course designs

Writing together

We’ll use a Currents Community (part of Chico State’s Google Suite of apps) to share writing.

Instructions for joining Currents on the Getting Started page.

Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall.

Instructions for joining Perusall on the Getting Started page.

Session Materials & Plans

Session Materials & Plans

image that says you can do the thing

On this page, and the drop down menu below it, you’ll find links to the activities and plans for the Digital Pedagogy FLC sessions. The pages will be released over the semester so that we can adjust activities to respond to our teaching and learning needs.

We’ll start here: Getting Started Page (instructions and information to prep for our first session)

Session 1 (Feb 10) link coming soon