Videos to inspire course designs

Writing together

We’ll use a Currents Community (part of Chico State’s Google Suite of apps) to share writing.

Instructions for joining Currents on the Getting Started page.

Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall.

Instructions for joining Perusall on the Getting Started page.

Session 5, 6, & 7: redesign and reflect

Session 5, 6, & 7: redesign and reflect

Art by Ashley Penning

Session 7 (Dec 2)

FLCs for Spring 2021 can be found on the FDEV site. And upcoming workshops (this afternoon, 12/2, the workshop is focused on the new dashboard and Friday’s is on podcasting)

  • Whole group: how are you finishing this semester? Any ideas that others could find useful?
  • Small groups: share out our redesign ideas for spring. What assignment or activity or way of doing groups, etc might you change given what we’ve done together in this FLC?
    • Choose one person to share their idea with our whole group (if some folks want work time during the whole group sharing, then that works too.)

Feedback for our fall FLC: Link Here

Resource for next semester planning: “Designing Breakout Rooms…” by Troy Hicks (lots of resources and links in the article with ideas for structuring sessions)

Session 6 (Nov 18)

FLCs for Spring 2021 can be found on the FDEV site

Article from Inside Higher Ed: “8 Ways to Improve Group Work Online”

Questions to consider as you redesign:

  • What’s the tone of syllabus and assignments? Is there a way to build community or feel welcome in the way those documents are written or structured?
  • How might you incorporate choice for the learner? (Choices of readings, some choice in assignments, choice in how students demonstrate what they know?)
  • One question I often ask as I write up policies or assignments: Am I controlling behavior or learning?
  • How might you structure assignments so you enjoy them too?

“Course Design in the Now Times”

“No Shortcuts in Course Design”

Jaxon example final assignments:

Option 1: Reflective Essay

Think of this reflection as a kind of manifesto, answering “this is what I believe about literacy learning and teaching…at this moment.” I invite you to write about your work in the course: what have you done well, what have you learned, how have your ideas related to literacy changed throughout this course? If you are a future teacher, what can you use in your future classroom and what kinds of questions do you still have about literacy? Support your ideas by using what you have learned from the course readings, discussions, and assignments.

Option 2: Ignite Talk

What is Ignite? An Ignite talk is a short presentation of 5 minutes where 20 slides are automatically advanced every 15 seconds.

Ignite talks focus on the speaker with visuals to back up the orated content. Ideally, slides should contain a minimal amount of text. Each 15-second slide allows a presenter to speak about 2 full sentences at a comfortable speed. 

You can work individually or in pairs or trios to bring the ideas we’ve considered in class to life in an Ignite Talk. I can walk you through some options for putting slides together. No reflection required for this one; just give your talk.

Here are some examples from the Ignite Site.

More examples: Rafi Santos Ignite TalkKim JaxonPeter Kittle and Jane McGonigal, and one of my favorites, The Plight of the Digital Chicken, by Patrick Davison

Option 3: Multimodal Reflection

For this option, you control the product, process, materials, and distribution. You’ll include a short reflection about what your purpose is, goals, and what worked and what didn’t. Overall: your product should reflect what you’ve learned about literacy. (*For example, here is the website one trio created and the reflection portion HERE) (And another HERE)

Session 5 (Nov 4)

All the feels…

Tina share Pear Deck

Try out Pear Deck (link to extension) or check out resources from Course Design Examples page

More resources:

Timeline creator from Adobe Spark

Timeline from SmartDraw