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Reading Together

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Active Theory in motion!

Active Theory in motion!

Ok so from my understanding of Russells’s article and applying the active theory to my internship ( The ESL Center), the mediational tools that I can think of right off the bat would their computer, dictionaries, books and writing utensils. As Russell puts it “Texts are tools for carrying on some activity and they vary with the activity” (423) . According to him, these resources serve many different purposes depending on the tutor and student objective. For example, a student could walk in needing help on their term paper ( their objective) we (the tutors) would try our best to help them succeed in that aspect (our objective)  maybe it’s looking up credible sources or correct spelling.  Interaction would consist of receiving feedback from each other and making sure student is engaged during the session.

One Reply to “Active Theory in motion!”

  1. Anthony, I can agree totally see how you can apply this to your internship. It’s very intersteing to see how the active theory works for you. Many people look for help and sometimes, it’s very different from what they expect.

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