Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

To Sew or Not to Sew?

To Sew or Not to Sew?


I have an idea about my possible project. I really want to prove that learning is best done when it is done in the correct space, with the correct materials, and an expert. I really want to learn how to sew. Therefore, the first part of the project I want to start reading about how to sew and then attempt to make a midi skirt and film the process. Then compare first part of the project to working with an expert that would show me how to sew with a  hands on technique without reading anything. Then I would be able to ask questions and be in the space to learn how to sew instead of just reading about it. As Kim says I would be doing the thing instead of reading about the thing. And filmed that part as well. Then go ahead and edit the video and add a voiceover. This would then show and prove that one has to be immersed into the space and needs the help of an expert to be able to do something. Then I would do a voiceover talking about some of the ideas that we talked about in class, many of the things that I talked about in my “What I know so far” paper. Some of those idea that where in situated learning and the ball handling metaphor. I also really want show why this is important to writing and how as mentors we can help improve writing. I have this idea because then I would have both a product to show for my project and a video. I am pretty sure that it is going to come out terribly because there are a lot of first that will be done plus I am horrible with technology but I think that it would be a great  learning experience.

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