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Multimodal and ESL

Multimodal and ESL

Last blog yea! I’ve done so many blogs this semester I am not sure I can discern which class is which anymore. So let’s talk about the multimodal project. So far I’ve discovered what my project is and I have already put my plan into action. I speak my best words through art and find a deep joy when drawing so that is what I’m going to do. I first selected the theme of how teachers criticize students work the wrong way. I can’t remember which reading this idea was from so if you have any clue please let me know! I’ve decided on three panels to express this idea and theme. Since the theme is so serious I wanted to provide a comedy panel as well, but I am still thinking of what I have learned in class that could be tied in with a comedy. So yes, two panels have been completed and I may do six or seven depending on my schedule. I am also debating on a way to display these panels that is easy to carry around campus because I always carry too much around. I may do a giant flip book that way the art is still preserved, but easy to handle.

So for my internship at the ESL center I have had a really great experience working there. I want to continue this job at the ESL center next fall, but I am not sure how to apply. I have contacted Sandra and she said they would send out applications, but so far I have received nothing. I went onto the CSU website to search for details and sure enough I have found nothing. That website is frustrating and has so many side links with useless information; I have missed so many opportunities in my first year here. Anyways… enough ranting, if you have any leads please let me know.

My list of things I want to remember while working in the ESL center for fall:

  • Choose only a few writing habits to criticize that block the writers main points
  • Criticize nicely while adding encouraging notes
  • Remember students writing and speaking goals when going over their work
  • Ask other tutors opinions if I am not sure on certain questions and rules
  • Practice, practice, practice English speaking with students (the more exposure the more they learn)

One Reply to “Multimodal and ESL”

  1. I’m loving your idea for your multimodal project. I love painting myself and can picture this project working big or small. For easy accessibility and to limit problems with transportation I would make a smaller, manageable book of panels, bound together or clipped, and also have they scanned and put into a electronic format. I am trying to imagine what you will be drawing, what text, if any you will use to capture not only the idea of multimodality, but of problems over-focusing and correcting students writing.

    As for the application to work as the ESL Center, I’m guessing the applications aren’t available yet. Just check back with Saundra to find out if they even sent them out yet or where you can pick one up. I can’t wait to see all these projects! I’ve never been in a class that gave students so much responsibility and freedom to create their own method of learning and expressing ideas, thoughts, and theories. Makes me sad I only get to have this one class with Kim, while others had several.

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