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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here



We have all had those overly thought out prompts that leave no room whatsoever for creativity. You know, the ones that describe exactly what needs to be done for the paper or project, what materials need to be used, and the teacher explains exactly what they DO NOT want to see. What if the teacher left everything entirely up to you to decide? You got to choose the way to present your information about a given topic, or maybe you get to choose whatever topic you want! You could write a paper, make a poster, make a video, sing a song, do whatever the hell you want! As long as you arrive at a goal, or are able to display meaning in a certain way, then you have succeeded.

I can see where certain aspects of giving a student complete control could go wrong. Even in class on Monday I was overwhelmed with the idea that anything could be created to teach someone about the Shipka article. Unfortunately, this blog does not do her much justice.

I’m excited to dabble with the concept of multimodality more!

One Reply to “HOLY SHIPKA!”

  1. I think you bring up a good point in the sense that the multi modal non-prescriptive prompts could come across as difficult to approach. As students we have gone through so many projects over countless years and when given free reign over how we want to approach a non-prompted project, we choke. I think meeting with individual students to check if they’re understanding the material and help give them some kind of direction or encouragement would be a great idea.

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