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Mini Multimodal Manifesto

Mini Multimodal Manifesto

I, Cherie Tice, will now give to you an account of my multimodality through the years and apply it to discussions of the class. In some way at least.


  Chapter One:The Internet: Dawn of a New Age

My first real experience was similar to the one described in the mode videos. It was the first time the students used the internet at school. I was in elementary school and it was this new and interesting thing. The internet was new to most of us in itself and when we looked at these things called “webpages” there was words, pictures, different fonts, and colors. What i didn’t know at the time was that it was all done purposefully  and done for a specific reason.  Though of course a fourth grader doesn’t think about these things, nor do they understand the importance of modes and their place in the world. Beyond this new fangled thing,called the internet, we could only hope that our chapter books had a picture here or there.


Chapter Two: Young Adult. . . Young Social Media

MySpace didn’t get popular until i was fresh out of high school. When that happened I was hesitant simply because I had no clue what social media was or how to even go about using social media. Soon I found the world of coding the original MySpace 1.0 pages. With coding I was able to very literally pick everything about the page. Things I wanted to hide, things I wanted to add and so on. My top friends list was custom made buttons of pictures of my friends, while on the opposite side I had some smaller icons and next to it a scrolling box with memories or them. At the top i had a custom made playlist that would play automatically when someone visited while the background was whatever color or image or whatever I was feeling that week. I did not realize it at the time but I was using modes to get across a personal message of who i was.


Chapter Three: Here and Now and the Modes

Not much has changed between chapter two and now. I no longer code pages like the MySpace 1.0 pages, but since the only place that has 1.0 profiles anymore are roleplaying websites unless you are in that, or create a site myself I have not coded anything. The only real difference is that now I know that there is a technical term for what i was doing for years. Being a part of the multimodal community without even knowing it. Knowing what I know now about modes and multimodal I couldn’t imagine being in a world that is not multimodal in some way.

One Reply to “Mini Multimodal Manifesto”

  1. I remember doing these things back in high school too. Such as Myspace coding and looking up websites full of colors and words. My perceptions are still affected today when viewing websites. For example, when searching for English teaching jobs in Japan using their company websites, not only am I looking for what they have to offer, but how they display their information. Does it look professional? In color, font, pictures, and is this information believable? By using multimodal concepts on the internet, websites are able to present their information in a very specific way that is targeted towards a certain audience. I believe that multimodal is not only limited to internet mediums, but can be applied in everyday life. Take the world of fashion for example, not only do they select the shapes and designs for the season, but they also incorporate color, texture, accessories, artistic design, all based on personal choice, expression, and what will influence their buyers.

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