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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

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I’d say I read quite frequently and come in contact with multiple writing styles on a daily basis. Seeing as I’m in graduate school, the reading never stops. So. much. reading, So obviously this is one way that I am exposed to writing. Other than the stuff that’s assigned to me, I am also frequently checking social media and browsing the internet. I come across articles, quizzes, polls, stories, and much more. In all of the reading I’ve done outside of school, I honestly don’t think I’ve EVER seen the 5P essay be used.

I find it interesting how students are expected to write a certain way, but this manner of writing is never used in the real world. I whole heartedly believe that learning must have some kind of context and meaning behind it. In most people’s cases, just like mine, grew up learning the extremely strict guidelines for how to write a five paragraph essay. Structure, rules, expectations were shoved down our throats since the moment we were competent enough to write. Throughout my entire school career, I learned how to write things a certain way, and there was no swaying from this way. Many times I would miss points on an essay because the order of my body paragraphs wasn’t quite correct. Or would lose points for not having a strong enough introduction. Or conclusion for that matter. Either way, we grew up learning the “correct” way to write.

I feel like a lot of students could reach their writing potential if they were granted permission to write whatever they want. However they want. I believe a lot of students get discouraged about their writing abilities due to the harsh repercussions they received as a punishment for not following a extremely specific format.

I’ve never once seen a five paragraph used for anything other than in middle and high school english classes. Not one tweet, facebook post, blog entry, or whatever else has ever followed this format. Hmmmmm…. interesting.

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