Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

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Literary Critic One Day & an Experimental Psychologist the Next

Literary Critic One Day & an Experimental Psychologist the Next

Although the article by David Bartholomae was very long and times somewhat boring (maybe I shouldn’t have read it in bed, oops) he did bring about many valid points that go along with writing in the institution of a university. A couple things that he stated that stood out when I was reading the article was that students have to appropriate (or be appropriated by) a specialized discourse, and they have to do this as though they were easily comfortably one with their audience. Why this stood out to me was because it made me think back to professors that I may have had throughout my college career that come off as very intimidating and have a lot of criteria that you must follow in order to be successful in one of their writing assignments. We tend to have to act as though we are complete experts of multiple different subjects instead of writing in a way that best suits us. For myself being a Liberal Studies major I have to take a bunch of different types of courses: math, english, science, psychology, etc. and so i have to constantly change my voice and the subject that I am now suddenly an “expert” of. But I do understand that in my future career I’m expected to play the role of many different professions (scientist, mathematician, etc.) so I can see how it relates to my future.

I enjoyed my internship this week. I’m still not exactly sure what my role will be to these students but i am curious to see where it leads to. Last week I was simply observing the students in the classroom setting and watching how they interact and they assignments they were working on.

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