Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

Hello, it’s me-Bridget Grant

Hello, it’s me-Bridget Grant

Hi my name is Bridget! I’m a 3rd year English Ed major, minoring in Spanish. I can’t speak Spanish at all but I really wish I could. Maybe I need to immerse myself in a community where I can interact with groups that will help me practice learning Spanish? I think Wenger would agree, which is why I’m hopefully studying abroad this summer in Chile for like 10 weeks. I don’t want to leave my dog :( but my little sister offered to watch him while I’m gone. I love my dog, my family and friends and I even love school (sometimes). I like hiking at Bidwell, drinking coffee, and cooking yummy food. I also have a job, I work in the dorms– ILY freshmen. I’m in a sorority which is a lot of fun.

As I think about all the things I do, I definitely agree that humans are constantly taking part in learning practices. I think Wenger’s idea that people learn in groups is very relevant to my own learning style. As a future teacher I find thinking of more effective ways of learning is super interesting! Also I’m super interested in thinking of Identity. For me, I struggle with this because during school I always thought I would become a teacher, so I want my students to feel like they have many other options and support!

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