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Whose the Old Dude?

Whose the Old Dude?

Hello fellow 431 peeps, I am Louis Melton. To the Administration of C.S.U. Chico I am James L. Melton followed by a number, my instructors Louis, my Wife of 32years (Karen) Louie occasionally a choice 4 letter word, my 3 sons (Brandon 30, Shawn 28, and Josh 25) Dad, my Mom Louie, friends and associates mostly Louis or other facsimiles there of dependent on their sobriety, my 2 year old grandsons (Buddy and River) call me Papa/Poppy, and last but not least my Dad whom I recently lost called me Butch, which he started referring to the style of haircut he would get me a t Ray’s Barber shop in LA Puente, where I grew up, in Southern California east of L.A..


I had a long career in the Automotive Industry, from technician, Honda and Volvo Company rep, and ending with Service Manager/Adviser at two local dealerships. Two medical episodes have since taken me out of my career path, but ironically landed me back in school and I have come to realize on a path to what I was supposed to do in the first place; who I really am.


Wessenger’s article struck a chord with me, in the passage dealing with Intellectual context (pg11). Speaking of the value in apprenticeship, Wessenger gleaned from a book by Jean Lave. After gathering theory from a trade school in Arizona (A.A.I.), I thought I knew everything about car repair. It was only when I was placed with Hector Cantue, as an apprentice I learned how to repair cars. Using the theory I learned in Arizona, Hector patiently taught me how to put that theory into real world practical use. A term noted as “Legitimate Peripheral Participation.” At first I was offended, I worked hard to learn theory and I had received high grades. After Hectors efforts I realized its importance on rounding out my knowledge.



One Reply to “Whose the Old Dude?”

  1. Hey I am your partner. I am also from the LA area and am very familiar with La Puente. I am sorry to hear about your father, but the name Butch is an awesome memory! I am glad that in a sense you are able to have a second chance at a career path that is a really cool opportunity.

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