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Kory: female seeking ENGL 431 partner- must love dogs and the oxford comma

Kory: female seeking ENGL 431 partner- must love dogs and the oxford comma

My name is Kory. I’m 28 years old. I was adopted from Korea when I was 3 months old. I grew up in Paradise, 25 minutes up the hill from Chico. I lived in Ireland my Jr. year of high school. I did my undergrad at Colby College: Government major, Italian minor. I privately tutored English in Italy while I lived there my Jr. year of college. It’s what made me decide to switch from becoming a lawyer (international law) and pursue a career in ESL/EFL. After I graduated, I spent a summer as an English tutor in English summer camps across Italy. Then I got my CELTA certification and taught preschool/elementary school in Korea for 3 years. I’m currently in my last semester at Chico State- MA-TIL, TESOL pattern. I’m hoping to find a job in Dubai at a private English school.


I volunteered at an animal shelter in Korea while I was there. I adopted one dog and became a “foster failure” of another. Their names are Cassie and Barkley. They are basically the best ever. Yes, I AM a crazy dog lady. I apologize for nothing. (See photo.)

Honestly, my life is very limited at the moment. Grad school does that to you. I dabble in hiking, painting, drinking new red wines, and working out/yoga to justify eating delicious food; some of which I like to cook myself. I do find time to binge on Netflix often. I usually regret it when my alarm goes off the next morning. This introduction is starting to feel like a online dating profile, so I’ll stop now.


As for the article, the part that resonated most with me was about “communities of practice”. Choosing which communities we become a part of and/or want to be a part of is one way in which we define ourselves and create our identities. Sometimes, we’re “core members” and sometimes “we have a more peripheral kind of membership”. I became addicted to travelling and really immersing myself into new cultures and communities when I was 16. I went to school in Ireland and lived with a host family on a dairy farm. After growing up in a small town where most people had known me all my life, I was able to choose my communities. I had to really dig deep and ask myself, “Who am I?” The most beautiful part? I had no idea and I hadn’t realized that until I had already changed to become someone new, someone better.

So many people from my town were/are scared of leaving the comfort of “home”. After living on both coasts, 4 countries, and visiting several others; I realize that “home” is wherever you make it. Cheesy? Very. True? With the right mind set, abso-fucking-lutely. As different as we all are, communities can be made everywhere. In turn, we learn so much about each other, ourselves, and the world we live in. I think it’s something everyone should experience at least once.

One Reply to “Kory: female seeking ENGL 431 partner- must love dogs and the oxford comma”

  1. Hi Kory! I’m your blog buddy or whatever it’s called! I really enjoyed reading your post you have definitely had an exciting and adventorous life! Im super jealous that you have had the pleasure of traveling to so many different places and experience different cultures! I really like what you said about everyone being different but we make communities where ever we go!
    -Melissa Morse

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