Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

Multimodal Project- Leslie Eigle

Multimodal Project- Leslie Eigle

I can honestly say I loved working on this project. I’m sure we’ve all endured projects and courses that make us question why we are working so hard to enter a career we thought we might love; however, this project and this course reminded me why I want to be a teacher. I learned a lot about myself and the kind of teacher I want to become, which is exciting because not a lot of other projects have stimulated this kind of motivation to continue learning! And even though there is always more that can be done to improve a project, I’m really proud of the outcome only because the process was so enjoyable and engaging.


In regards to why I chose a website as my medium of choice, I needed a tool that would allow me to explore digital creativeness and a place I could share all the videos of people reading their stories. I wanted something that was aesthetically pleasing, easy for my audience to navigate, and simple yet challenging in terms of implementing the various modes I envisioned in my head. Although the finished product didn’t turn out the way I expected, it came pretty close. I wish all the readings were read by their original remixer, because I felt they would’ve done a better job reading it the way they meant it to be read. However, I really like the change I made to the reflection section. Originally I was going to just write about how my project related to some of the readings and discussions we had during the semester, but I think a video made it more intimate and real. My favorite part about it was that it was a “live reflection”. Yes, I had a few notes next to me, but essentially I just hit record and starting talking. Talking about what I learned from the project and from the course truly emphasized the fact that I did learn.


To the future 431 students, enjoy!




P.S. The background of my website is a collection of various spines of Little Golden Books ;)

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