Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

Multimodal Project – JD

Multimodal Project – JD

So I really loved this whole project! It was a lot of work, mostly added on by my own decisions, but it also felt like it was something that I was challenged by and added to the challenge by my own accord. It took a lot longer than I intended it to and became a much larger thing, but it never came across as something I loathed and more so something I was excited about showing or adding more to. I always felt like I was in control of the project and what it meant for me, and that is the most powerful aspect of this whole thing.

AS for the cabinet itself, I wanted to create something that was almost a physical representation of all the things we had talked about throughout the semester (about growing from certain starts, the idea of failure to a student, how students grow, and how that process allows access). In my cabinet there are three shelves and the top. The bottom shelf (graced by the presence of duct tape from the board breaking in half during cutting) holds old political science books because I had initially begun college wanting to become a political science major. I had learned it was a very difficult class to be in, grade wise and for my own sanity, so I dropped from poly-sci. It was something I did not do well in, and sometimes failed in, but I ultimately learned from the experience and became an English major which leads us to the second shelf. The second shelf includes all the literacies that have inspired me or made me learn more about the subject from becoming an apprentice of English studies to somewhat a master. This study and understanding leads me to the top shelf which is literature that I read and write today. This shelf was allowed access do to the lower two. If it wasn’t for this buildup of literacies I would not be the major I am today and the pieces on top of the cabinet (the mug, Chico alumni flag, etc.) would not be a part of my life. Each of these pieces represents piece of my life that influence me to this day.


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