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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

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Jason and Chelsea’s questions to guide reading

Jason and Chelsea’s questions to guide reading

What do Sommers and Saltz say about novice writers who write OUTSIDE of academic settings? How/why do we think this will help with their writing IN an academic setting?”

—> think deeper than the the superficial answer.


 Weaker writers speak with a greater passion than strong writers when surveyed?

why is that? In relation to your internship, do you find this to be similar or different to your students’ views of writing?


 What do freshmen think of courses with no writing? What is their explanation? Are you in agreement?


 How did the polled freshman class feel about courses with no writing? Why do we think that is?


 Explain Maura’s paradox. What are the problems with such practices? What, If any, benefits can be found in asking this of students?


 What defines a novice writer?  What changes occur during college development that redefine the skill of the writer?


 What does Sommers and Saltz say is involved in being a novice? How do students who refuse to admit to being novices struggle? What are these students critical pitfalls?


 How and why was Justice such a beneficial class for freshmen?


 Who/what effects the students most crucially during their freshmen year writing courses? why/how?


How is exploratory work an important writing skill despite not being a source of “good grades” for the novice student?

 What can we learn from Jeremy’s personal investment in nearly all of his papers during freshmen year?

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