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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here



Hi guys! Sorry about the late intro post, it’s really been a rough weekend.

Anyways! I’m Chelsea Gallegos, and i’m a first year transfer student from Stockton, Ca. I have an AA in English, and another in interdisciplinary studies for humanities. Until very recently, i really didn’t quite know what path I was going to take, but it’s slowly becoming more clear and concrete (thank god!) Chico has been really great to me these first couple of month and i’m looking forward to the next couple of years here.


On to the reading..

One passage that stuck out to me and my group was on page 34, in which the author writes “The generality of any form of knowledge always lies in the power to renegotiate the power of the past and future in constructing the meaning of present circumstances.” This specific paragraph was about how general knowledge or even specific knowledge gained from on situation (situated learning experience) can and will carry over into situations that are not exact replicas of the one where such knowledge was learned.

We thought of that idea in very general terms, like that of our own well being. For instance, if one touches a hot stove, the power of reflex and then the knowledge gained from experiencing such pain carries into other situations where, say, ones hand may be harmed by something but your ability to recall knowledge for burning yourself will basically force you to not do the same. The group also spoke about carrying that knowledge and perpetuating it to another generation, like younger siblings for instance. This one very specific situational learning experience has now penetrated your mind so deeply that it influences behaviors for many years to come.

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