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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here



As someone else said in their memo, the sheer number of options and things we have been talking about is what is throwing me off. There is just so much to look at, consider, use, etc. that it’s a little overwhelming. Plus, the fact that everything we’re talking about needs to be completely done and ready to go in less than a month? Lord.


I did like the story line idea, though, and I agree that there needs to be some sort of overarching plot to the quests or whatever we call them. Quests and points are all well and good, but a story really motivates people to accomplish the tasks.


My one concern about the story thing is that, honestly, if not done correctly, it can come off as just stupid. Like we were talking about teacher’s rapping and trying to connect with their students that way and Kim mentioned a couple reasons why it wouldn’t work, but missed the big one for me: an older person trying (and failing) to relate to and be accepted by a younger audience. The mentors may be roughly the same age as incoming freshmen, but my concern is that they’ll get to Chico, find out that we made this school thing a “cool” story, and be totally put off by it.


Going from that, though, I think it can be done correctly. I liked the idea someone else mentioned of duping them into thinking it would be just another boring lecture type thing. Classroom with a PowerPoint going over different things about Chico (the history, perhaps? I love history, but nothing kills excitement like “Bidwell was born in…”) and then having a Skype call interrupt, like Kim was talking about. That’s when our mystery could be introduced.


For the mystery, I also liked the idea of creating a fake Facebook profile, having them be totally active online, and then having them not show up. We’re going to catfish the freshmen and it will be great.

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