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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

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Buzzfeed: Revolutionizing the Quiz World

Buzzfeed: Revolutionizing the Quiz World


Normally, when teenagers, children, and other adults hear the word “quiz”, they detest the idea and ignore the idea in disgust. In the school setting, students often tremble in fear for their grade when a quiz is due or a teacher surprises their class with pop quiz. It’s a student’s worst nightmare, whether they understand the information or not.

Once the media has flourished in the world, Buzzfeed revolutionized the Internet. I remember when Buzzfeed first made its Internet prominence. It was approximately two to three years ago, where they’d post random lists, such as “12 Things All English Majors Understand” or “15 Things That Describe Picky Eaters.” I thought the lists were random and fun, which attracted the daily Internet junkie.

About six months ago, Buzzfeed Quizzes were “the norm” on Facebook – Disney characters, which state you belong in, what country you’re really from, and anything in between. Buzzfeed crossed into educational territory, testing subjects such as biology, chemistry, history, and…ahem, grammar. The difference was that those quizzes were trending through Newsfeed or the Buzzfeed website itself.

That being said, I found a grammar quiz brought to you by Buzzfeed. I thought it’d be a “bone-headed” quiz where I’d get 10/10 right. This quiz honestly tested my grammatical expertise and I was surprised, and a bit disappointed, that I need improvement on adverbs and pronouns. The idea I was tested on basic knowledge of my first language just showed that either my teacher didn’t teach me grammar that well in secondary school, or I just have a bad memory. Maybe both. Another bad thing is that I took Principles of Language last semester and I forgot just about everything.

Sorry, Ela.

If you’re a true “Grammar Nazi”, then kudos. I’m probably half-heartedly admitting that language is not my cup of tea. I thought the Buzzfeed quiz was fun and enjoyable! I didn’t feel tested or stressed. I also give kudos to Buzzfeed for turning a person’s worst four-lettered academic, stressed nightmare into a trend that can be used as a tool or a stress-reliever.

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