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Laura Hass:Commentary on a Passage from Wenger Intro

Laura Hass:Commentary on a Passage from Wenger Intro

I think Wenger’s theory of learning is interesting in that he or she believes that learning is all encompassing and it does not stop nor end. I agree that human beings are learning constantly in every environment we are thrown into.

Wenger writes, “A key implication of our attempts to organize learning is that we must become reflective with regard to our own discourses of learning and to their effects on the ways we design for learning. By proposing a framework that considers learning in social terms, I hope to contribute to this urgent need for reflection and rethinking” (Wenger, 9).

It is important for us to think about how we individually learn and relate to our environment in order for us to begin thinking about how to teach English.  We need to rethink our conventional assumptions about the nature of learning so that we can adapt to the increasingly interconnected world that we live in today.

One Reply to “Laura Hass:Commentary on a Passage from Wenger Intro”

  1. I really like the idea that learning never ends. I know that some students I work with believe that learning stops when class is dismissed; However, I believe that learning is a never ending process. Your experiences are the most important lessons you can ever learn from. I am also really fond of the quote you listed. I like how you used Wenger’s thoughts and compared them to your own.

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