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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

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nesneJ rehpotsirhC

nesneJ rehpotsirhC

Hello every one, my name is Christopher Jensen. As you can tell by the title of this post, which is in fact my name spelled backwards, I think am quite clever. All joking aside I am prepared to say that this class brought with it an intimidating atmosphere. As a First semester freshman I craved a more challenging and structured academic environment, so here I am.The GE Classes of which I was participating in did not suite to my liking. I felt that these classes simply were not good enough. I was not content with academia. However, upon re-entering Chico for my second semester I realized that this mindset was seriously flawed. I was not content with academia because it was consuming me. My life was in a state of great imbalance. Work had taken over and leisure had become its unpaid minion. It is rare, if not impossible, that someone can enjoy themselves without the proper lifestyle. That lifestyle being one of a well balanced student. Whether you be a teacher,Chef or car salesmen, your job is your job, not your life. When your job becomes your life, or your everything, your life ends. So far,my short time spent in the second semester has shown me one thing, I am no longer so engaged in my studies. This may be a good thing, but i am not yet sure. Perhaps the English 431 classroom will pose to great a threat. Or perhaps I will become a better student than ever. Time will tell. Time spent participating in my first internship, socializing with new peers, and participating in the experiment that is to be my journey through English 431. I’m excited and I hope the rest of you are as well. Lets have some fun with it!

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