Why a good book is a secret door

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Who is this Jackie girl?

Who is this Jackie girl?

My name is Jacqueline Mclean Speidel and I am from San Jose California and am planning to be a teacher in the future. My story is pretty much never leaving the Bay Area until college at Chico State.  I have played soccer since I was 5 which has always been a big part of my life because of the relationships I have made and just learning about how to be on a team with different people.  My dad has always been my number one fan who always supports me in whatever I do, whether it be in sports, school, or whatever.  When I think about what it means to be a reader, I think about someone who actually takes time out of their day to sit down and put all their attention in that one book.  Yeah everyone reads a lot a day, whether it be signs, texts, etc. but I think of a reader of someone who actually sits down and reads a story for fun instead of watching t.v. for instance.  I have been trying to do some reading outside of school.  Usually over vacation breaks I try to finish a whole book in my spare time to keep my brain working.  I do usually read popular books, maybe more of the romantic genres with a good story lines, instead of books that give you information like facts and such.  My school readings are usually historic stories that win awards, or just books information that educate you on the real world.  I have, however, liked some books I have read for school that have good story lines, which I think is how my out of school reading connects with the reading I do for school.  I don’t like the books that just give the information flat out.  I usually just forget because it is so boring, but books like Uncle Tom’s Cabin, that I read for school,  I learned so much about what it was like in that time through a story that grabbed my attention.  I really liked the Williams article because it does make me think about what is this stereotype of being a reader.  I believe everyone is a reader just by how much we read in a day.  The world is surrounded by words that we just read automatically and there are those hard core readers that like to read a book everyday for fun, and there are some that cannot even finish a book.  But I believe everyone is a reader.  There are just some that enjoy to read more than others because they know what they like to read.


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