Why a good book is a secret door

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Jane Achtelik post 3

Jane Achtelik post 3

So far I am really enjoying reading The Lightning Thief.  The book is a good book for children who may feel like they can never do anything right. The protagonist has dyslexia and ADHD so any kid with either of theses disabilities could gain extra benefits from this book. This would also be a good book to read if you are doing a greek god lesson with your class. I think it has great read aloud potential. It is a little longer of a book so you would have to dedicate a significant amount of time to it. It would also help if you used it as a transition aid. For example, 10 min after you get in after recess or lunch you could read aloud to your class. The book is so popular that there are tons of journal prompts online that you can use. It would be fun to do a comparison to the movie after you are done reading the book.

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