Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

We will share most of our work in a Google+ Community. We can upload images, respond to each other’s ideas, and share links and artifacts here.


Course calendar can be found above and HERE.

Alexa Flesher- Cinderella

Alexa Flesher- Cinderella

imageHello Everyone! My name is Alexa Flesher. I am 28 years old, I have a 4-1/2 year old daughter named Finley, and I am a liberal studies major with an area of concentration in physical education. I am originally from Paradise (just one town over). I moved around a lot after graduating high school and finally just moved back to the area a year ago. I love running, reading, spending time with my daughter, and baking. I’m really looking forward to exploring this class and learning ways that I can get children excited about reading!


Which Cinderella Am I?


Which Cinderella am I?

Did my story involve donkey or cat skins?

Did my father live and my mother die?

Did I have a fish with golden eyes and red fins?


I did not own a radiant fish over 10 feet tall,

Whose bones I did not bury.

I did not bathe in the Basin of Water before the ball,

And this Lord I did not marry.


My dress was not more splendid than the star of the night,

Although that would’ve been nice.

However, my evil step sisters did lose their sight

And their hearts were black and cold as ice.


Which Cinderella would I be?

Why I am the Brother’s Grimm Cinderella!

One Reply to “Alexa Flesher- Cinderella”

  1. Hi Alexa. I’m your buddy from the T/Th class. My minor is in Special Education, but thought of minoring in physical education as well. I’m a very active person as well. The picture sits well with your minor haha. Your riddle was fun to read! I look forward to being your buddy this semester.

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