Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Alec Morgan -Blog 1-

Alec Morgan -Blog 1-

My name is Alec I am a Chico local. My wife and I have two boys, Adam and Isaac. Adam is our oldest he’s three and Isaac is a new addition, he is 3 months. They both go to the child development lab on campus. We all enjoy the outdoors, hiking, camping, and soon we will start taking the kids on backpacking trips. We also like to ride bikes. I like riding enough that I am going to sell my car and use a bike full time. We’ll still have my wife’s car but I am looking forward to only owning one car. When I graduate we plan on moving to South America while they boys are still young so they can acquire the language while I gain some teaching experience.


This Cinderella had no evil stepsisters to make her do dishes.

She did not ask things from the bones of magic fishes.

Her father didn’t love her, despite her sick moms wishes.

One Reply to “Alec Morgan -Blog 1-”

  1. Hey Alec, I think that is pretty cool that you are willing to sell your car and just use your bike, that’s a good way to stay active! I’ve grown up backpacking and camping, and I loved it, I’m planning on going backpacking this October in Rockbound! Moving to South America sounds like an amazing experience!! Good luck!!

    -Julia Petrin

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