Why a good book is a secret door

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Kory & Miranda S

Kory & Miranda S

I have recently started The Fault in Our Stars and I love it. I can’t seem to put it down! I had already read the book before the movie came out, but getting to read it again makes me fall more in love with the characters throughout each chapter. I think that John Green is an amazing writer who really captures the devastating affect of cancer on people’s lives, and by making the characters who have cancer the teenagers it makes it more relatable to us.

Many people are affected by cancer. I, personally, am affected because of my dad. He is in remission right now, and has been cancer free for two years but it has been a hard journey. I really appreciate the uplifting viewpoints of some of the characters, and how they still live life as well as they can when they have the chance. So far, I am loving re-reading it.

Miranda, have you read this book? Or do you plan on it? I think you should!

Kory, I will respond to your blog post about this book ASAP :)

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