Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Author: astremfel

Williams Blog: Annie

Williams Blog: Annie



Williams put the image of an old farm in my head. I picture an old wheelbarrow in front of a barn. It was possibly left there because of the sudden onset of a rainstorm when the farmer headed inside and left his work for after it settled. There is really green grass, and fluffy chicken in a coop. I think he felt admiration for the wheelbarrow. Without it the farmer would not be able to complete the tasks he needs to so he can be successful.



so much depends



the love from my



always a warm



making me



cuddling on cold



giving me

unconditional love

Annie’s Artifact

Annie’s Artifact



Throughout The Fault in Our Stars, Hazel Grace and Gus’s “thing” was saying “okay”. I made cupcakes that said “Okay” and had stars on them to represent the novel.

Kory & Miranda S

Kory & Miranda S

I have recently started The Fault in Our Stars and I love it. I can’t seem to put it down! I had already read the book before the movie came out, but getting to read it again makes me fall more in love with the characters throughout each chapter. I think that John Green is an amazing writer who really captures the devastating affect of cancer on people’s lives, and by making the characters who have cancer the teenagers it makes it more relatable to us.

Many people are affected by cancer. I, personally, am affected because of my dad. He is in remission right now, and has been cancer free for two years but it has been a hard journey. I really appreciate the uplifting viewpoints of some of the characters, and how they still live life as well as they can when they have the chance. So far, I am loving re-reading it.

Miranda, have you read this book? Or do you plan on it? I think you should!

Kory, I will respond to your blog post about this book ASAP :)

Kissing the Witch

Kissing the Witch



From the book Kissing the Witch my favorite story is The Tale of the Spinster. It represents selfishness and extravagance in a way that is realistic. The woman is so caught up in the wealth she is receiving from “little sister” doing all of the work that she does not want her to leave, and does not care about what little sister actually wants. The woman does whatever it takes to keep the young girl around, even giving up her first-born child to make her happy.

People in today’s society are extremely money hungry, and this is not an exception in this story. She wants all of the rewards without doing the work herself. She goes to extreme lengths to keep little sister around, and yet does not really care about who the young girl is or where she came from. She is selfish, and it is a true problem that people in today’s society deal with constantly.


The author made the title of this book Kissing the Witch because she was trying to capture the irony behind her always giving reasons for the villains to be villains. She connects all of the tales, and makes you think twice about the “bad guy’s” past. This is similar to the new Disney movie Maleficent, and the play Wicked. It takes you into the other pasts of the people who are doing terrible things. For example, the woman from the Tale of the Cottage. She is evil, and wants to eat little sister’s brother. But why is she so evil? She goes on to explain it in the next story