Why a good book is a secret door

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JosiahB The One And Only Ivan

JosiahB The One And Only Ivan

Hi marilyn I am 2 3rd’s of the way through The One And Only Ivan and it is easily the best book I have read so far. If you have not read it then you should really look forward to it.

2 Replies to “JosiahB The One And Only Ivan”

  1. Hey Josiah,
    I am about 1/4 of the way through. I have been slow reading due to being so busy, but I love it! It is such an easy read too which I love. I am so glad to hear you like it. What has been your favorite part so far?

    1. I love this book. Some parts are so sad, like Stella being hurt, or how Ruby is so skinny, but it really makes you understand a whole new perspective of how animals see us. It is about 1 am, and I am just putting this book down. I just want to know what is going to happen next.


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