Why a good book is a secret door

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Maeve: The Chocolate War

Maeve: The Chocolate War

Hi Trevor,

I just finished The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier. It was so good. I really like how the characters were portrayed.

My favorite character was Jerry Renault. I really liked how he even though he was assigned to only for one week, refused the chocolates for the whole semester. It showed bravery because, even though he was getting blackmailed, he stood strong.

My least favorite character was Archie Costello. He shouldn’t rule by fear and make kids do horrible things. He seems nice, but he is like a cobra. He is deadly and smart. The students and staff at Trinity should rise against the Vigils. They are like the kings of the schools.

This book really described how peer pressure can be used for bad. Jerry Renault was very brave because he stood up to the Vigils. They were scared and made him fight, which he refused to. He stood up for what he believed in and we should use this to motivate us to stand up for what we believe in.


One Reply to “Maeve: The Chocolate War”

  1. Hey Maeve! So I am almost half way through Chocolate War, I just finished chapter 16. So far I really like the book, seems to be a book geared more towards guys. Now come to think of it I don’t believe there has even been a girl character introduced yet. I also like the fact that the boys are in high school and some play football. High school wasn’t too long ago for me and I can remember the long grueling days similar to hoe Jerry describes. This book is honestly kind of making me miss those high school days. Never really liked all the drama that went on but it sure was entertainment.
    My favorite character so far is the same a yours, Jerry. I have not got to the part where he continues to refuse selling the chocolates but I am glad he sticks to it. I don’t really like the way Brother Leon has been obsessing about the chocolate sale so far. He honestly sounds like a mad man and I would hate to go to a school with him as a teacher. I also thought it was pretty crazy when Brother Leon hit Bailey in the face with his pointer. It left a welt!! It seemed like an accident but what did he expect waiving that thing around so much. He just seems to theatric to me. I am very curious how the rest of the chocolate sale is going to play out. What has me even more curious is The Vigils themselves. Something big is about to happen with them, I can feel it. I’m excited to finish this book up and think I will in the next day or so. After I knock it out I will shoot you another post! Talk to you soon Maeve.


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