Why a good book is a secret door

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Lauryn R. – Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

Lauryn R. – Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

I finished Drums, girls, and dangerous pie in a weekend. I was surprised by the topic since I knew nothing about the book but I enjoyed it so much! I really like how the title doesn’t give you a lot of  information about the book. I think that drums, girls and dangerous pies are not huge parts of the story but make the book better than if those topics weren’t in the book.

I think that Samantha is a very important character because she is going through the same thing that Jeffery is going through and helps Steven be a supportive brother. I also think another one of the most important characters are Renee and Annette. I think they are important because they are the ones who come up with the concert to raise money for Steven’s family and Steven thinks that he is in love with Renee but ends up in love with Annette. ” … Renee was beautiful, but she was my friend now. On the other hand, Annette was my friend, but she was beautiful now.”

I really enjoyed this book and am excited to find another book to read!

– Lauryn R.

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