Why a good book is a secret door

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Miranda S The Maze Runner

Miranda S The Maze Runner

I wasn’t really that far into it and it didn’t seem interesting but I’ve gotten pretty far now and it is a really good book! My friend was telling me that every time she looked at what page I am on I’m on the next chapter or sometimes two. They have rules and Thomas doesn’t like too take no for an answer. This book has made me think of what it is too be a good writer and I thought about how people say having an over active imagination can be hard but it made me want too write and put all my daydreams into something special.

I’ve gotten pretty far i the book and it seems as though there is something different about Thomas but no one knows what that is yet. I think that how the girl came too the Glade was interesting because he comes and then it’s the first girl ever and apparently the last newbie too come again. Earlier in the book Thomas had this feeling of looking down on the walls for some reason but then i thought about the cliff. Wouldn’t it be not so weird if since they don’t know where the objects, people, or grievers go and they look down what if the objects are going up but its all just an illusion of going down?

There is a lot too think about and all so I will keep reading and see what happens.

One Reply to “Miranda S The Maze Runner”

  1. Hello Miranda,

    I’m sorry I haven’t been in contact with you! I have had a lot of trouble with reading Maze Runner, but I’m glad that you are enjoying it so far. Who is your favorite character so far? And why are they your favorite character? Are you going to go see the movie after you read the book?
    I think that being a writer would be a really interesting job, have you written anything lately? Or anything that you think is really good? I would love to read it sometime! What kinds of things do you want to write about?

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