Why a good book is a secret door

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Jakob C, The Fault In Our Stars

Jakob C, The Fault In Our Stars

This book is WOW. Like I was shocked by how amazingly written this book was and how every paragraph had something that made me shiver.This book had a metaphor or a simile for every place or smell. This book was a book that I didn’t really want to read. I was forced into it by my friend Drew. He told me I could get some romantic tips from this book, I said I was in to read it. Honestly I may have learned a few tips. This book got be thinking no ones that different. So what these kids had cancer they still loved, laughed, and enjoyed life. This book was one of my favorite books so far and I hope Butter can size it up.

By: Jakob Coons


One Reply to “Jakob C, The Fault In Our Stars”

  1. I absolutely loved this book also! I could not put the book down because it was so good! Are you glad your friend told you to read it? The romance between Hazel and Augustus was so cute. I think they were both exactly what each other needed during this hard time in their lives. I completely agree that it made you look at life and think they may be going through some hard stuff in their life but they are just like any other teenager.
    Did you finish the book? I don’t want to spoil the ending if you didn’t but I was surprised on the way it ended! I loved the book so much I just watched the movie and loved it just as much as the book!
    I am just starting Butter and am already interested to see what is going to happen!

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