Why a good book is a secret door

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AllisonC, The Book Thief

AllisonC, The Book Thief

Hi Madison, how are you doing with reading? Right now I’m reading The Book Thief. My first book of all three. Have you started on any? I have been having a hard time getting into the Book Thief. I’m hoping that the more I read, that it will be something I really want to read. As of now, I shall keep reading. If you are reading or finished The Book Thief, I would love to know your opinion. So far I would have to say Hans Hubermann interests me a lot. I think he cares a lot for Liesel. He seems like that kind of guy that has a lot of different thoughts but, are quiet about it. What do you think? The Book Thief is a bit confusing at parts and hard to understand but, I’ve gotten through it and with continue.

Its really different that he puts in the little bold comments in the middle of the page and explains whats happening. Its like hes telling a story and stops once in a while to help you understand. Its really helpful and nice to me. I also noticed that this person is telling a story of Liesel but, its not in her perspective. He chose her and follows her around telling her story. Its unique and sometimes hard to follow but, I like that. I think that by the end of this book I’ll be really glad I read it. I will also be glad I had someone to talk about it. If you are reading a different book, I’d be happy to hear about it. I will give you more updates soon.

From: Allison

One Reply to “AllisonC, The Book Thief”

  1. Hi! Yes I am reading the book thief and radiant so I can keep up with you and Cora. I found the subject matter fascinating but the size of the book was a bit intimidating at first. The girl reminds me of my grandmother who lived in Rotterdam during World War II and had to live off marsh mellows. I was really surprised by what the original book was. Obviously with a title called the book thief I assumed that there would be an actual book and a thief but was very surprised all the same. I was also surprised cause she cannot even read. We learn a lot about literacy in my classes and I think this is a perfect example about childrens interest in reading. I also like Hans, the bond that they share is beautiful. I think the bold is interesting and I think it is because the story is being narrated from the outside and not one of the main characters. I dont know what to think about Rudy, seems like a bad influence. What do you think?

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