Why a good book is a secret door

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Drew S., Maze Runner

Drew S., Maze Runner

Dear Leslie, After lots of thinking I decided my first book would be Maze Runner. Mainly because I already bought it on my kindle (my bad), and because of the movie out right now. I opened to the first page expecting an over dramatic; action packed book with a cheesy love story. I think I got myself confused with the movie because the book has become one of my favorites.

I finished it on Friday and can’t wait to read the next book in the series. I loved the language in this book. It was easy to read, and had language that sounded like a version of teenage cussing. What really surprised me was the realism of characters in this book. Thomas wasn’t fearless, although he had amazing courage the author made it very clear he was afraid as any other person would be in that situation. The love story wasn’t cheesy at all either which was a very nice surprise. He eases you into their connection and makes their dialogue more enjoyable to read. All three of these things made me feel much more connected to the characters and the book.

My favorite character in this book was Minho. He’s a jerk at some times, but has compassion and bravery none the less. He grew more courage and leadership throughout the book. Leadership sometimes shown as being blunt and annoyed with things, but this just put more authentic language and a bit of humor into the book.

If I woke up in the Glade I would want to be a runner for sure. Not only becuase I would be so annoyed not knowing every little thing that’s out in the maze, but because of the glory in it. They seem to get a high level of respect and make the most of their time.

This is an amazing read Leslie, and I hope you get a chance to enjoy it.

Drew S


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